Monday, October 12, 2009

Awesome Songs are worth sharing.

Which is why I'm going to share a couple on my playlist.

1. Radiohead - 'Paranoid Android'

This song is made of Win and Awesome. You will listen to it if you haven't and you will like. The lyrics are supreme and it is intelligent; something I admire in music.

2. De La Soul- 'Stakes is High'

Very different musically, but just as important and worthwhile in my opinion. Compare this to the majority of r&b and Rap made in the 21st century and I know which will win.

Also a good indication of how much society (and culture) changes VERY slowly. The subject matter doesn't sound very far-off to today, is it?

3. Split Enz - 'My Mistake'

This tune is so well-made, it has been a perennial ear-worm for me. Good luck if you don't suddenly have this pop into your head all the time.

4. Led Zeppelin - 'Dazed and Confused'

And people think Emo is new? Pull the other one, buddy. Again, it seems people don't change as much as we think we do.

5. Compay Segundo - 'Chan Chan'

How about this for a change of pace? This song cheers me up for some reason; but it's just as horrible an earworm as many - relaxing as it is.

6. Deltron 3030 - 'Memory Loss'

Mostly due to the collaboration between producer 'Dan the Automator' and turntablist 'Kid Koala', this track is awesome. Del's rapping fuses with it incredbly well. Two other songs from their album are also worth listening; '3030' and 'Mastermind'.

7. ELO - 'Mr. Blue Sky'

Another catchy pick-up song. In case you've noticed, a lot of these songs are from the UK. I dunno why, but they oftem seem batter than their American counterparts.

8. Stevie Wonder - 'Too High'

I could have selected a lsit entirely off this artist alone. That said, I find his works in the '70s are better than his more recent activity. The album ('Innervisions') is a true classic that deserves a purchase.

9. Richard Clapton - 'Deep Water'

The first 'Australian' song (Split Enz don't count!), but there are others on my full list. Another classic from a high-quality songwriter.

Honourable Mentions:
The Kinks - 'Sunny Afternoon'
Gorillaz - 'O Green World'
Jethro Tull - 'Aqualung'
Deep Purple - Anything from the album 'Machine Head
The Dissassociatives - 'AaƤngry Megaphone Man'

...and a whole host of '70s Australian songs

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I rarely cuss, but....

I fucking hate statistics.

That is all.

Friday, September 25, 2009

We Interrupt This Programme

If you read my last posts, you would have read that my Grandmother Died last Tuesday.

She was in and out of hospital over the last two weeks, partially because of health problems, half because doctors prescribed the wrong drugs, causing unnecessary complications & trauma. AS I speak, we still don't know exactly what the cause was, but we know she had a minor heart attack; the results of which I expeienced first-hand.

I literally walked into her apartment after she had it. Me and my dad decided to visit since we were driving nearby. I acted like a jerk attempting to sneak in but when I saw one of carers at the nursing home was there, there seemed to be something up.

She was incredibly pale and her arms/fingers were purple, turning blue. What struck me was how cold they were. I waited there with my dad until the ambulance arrived and she was taken off to the nearest hospital.

The last words she said directly to me (and no-one else) was 'sorry'. My lame reply; 'It's alright'. I always say that. In almost any situation.

Dad & I stayed there over the next three hours at the hospital. She died two days later and ten minutes before my family arrived.

On the anniversary of her husband's death.

Such is life.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Okay, so I almost lied.

So, I did have them lying around somewhere. I had a sneaking suspicion they were on the USB key I lost between then and now. Thankfully, I was wrong.

Indeed, when I was waiting around for an hour after submitting an assesment task, I saw something that upset me to the deepest darkest core of my soul.

LIES AND SLANDER! It wasn't the best start, to be honest.

Cut me slack here, I was bored. Plus, I had to give people a cameo in here somewhere.

Oh, yeah; there was also a massive "Sustainability Week" thing going on today, but since I only had one lecture (yay, tuesdays!), there was no point waiting around afterwards.


Why am I angry?

Because I think I may have lost all the other photos before I could upload them all.

Oh, yeah. And my Grandmother died last tuesday.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

"A day in the Life"; Part 1

Tuesday; 8/9/09 was a very eventful day.

Not only because it began with a skype vid-chat and an 'all-nighter', but because I decided to entertain my tired self through taking a 'visual journal' with a cheap camera borrowed from my sis. Hence, the next few posts by me will be going through the course of an average day at Uni.

Or, at least what's average for me.

'twas a nice sunny & clear morning. I got off around 8:20 to hand in an assessment for "Environmental management" in a decidedly ambivalent (if drowsy) mood. As you can see, I didn't cam-whore as much as I originally planned, but I tried instead to convey the experience (as long as the photos I took were good; many were deleted).

I walked down this alley-way, rather than along the highway to the train station (yes, I'm a strictly-public-transport kind of person). Maybe I subconsciously thought it would be more pleasant in my sleepless state than the highway. My subconscious made the right decision. I got there literally as my train pulled in, with plenty of time to get into the 'right' carriage (important for reasons I'll explain later). I only took one decent pic on-board, but for privacy (and e-stalking) reasons, I have not posted it. Feel free to ask for it, though.

I choreograph my train timetabling carefully. I have to. Immediately upon getting at my next stop (10 minutes after getting on-board), I negotiated a less-than-two minute dash to the underground platform for my next train. The pic above was all I could take, thanks to overcrowding. I was stuck on the stairs, but on-time. Thank goodness.

So, I arrived at the Uni station (yes, it has it's own newly-built station) with ten minutes before hand-ins closed. Just enough time to briefly meet-up with an acquaintance in the same course (and his shy friend :P ), walk over and get it in with a minute or two to spare.

All the above only took place within a period of ~45 minutes. I still have another three or four hours of content to cover; so be ready for more posts full of photos.


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Phobias and Designer Jeans

Believe me; the two things in the title are remotely related; they're both things my Abuelita (Grandmother) got me thinking about last week, for one reason or another.

First; Designer Jeans. On fiday, I painted a Garage & fence for Abuel- in a peculiar kind of terracotta red paint. It was not mixed properly, though and the first coat of the fence turned out a vague purple hue...

Amyway; I was wearing my nice grey jeans. Knowing her house is all white, I didn't know it was going to be so much of an issue if pain was spilt. I even brought shorts with me. Sadly, I had to get stuck into it straight away.

So now; I have a pair of grey jeans with brown-red blotches & flecks of paint. I discussed this with my sis and we both agreed that this could be used to create some sort of custom paint scheme. My smallest sibling reccomended firing paintballs at it, but I don't think it was such a good idea. But rest assured; after sis does the HSC, I'll get stuck into them one way or another.

On the second part; Phobias....

It turns out that my Grandma has a peculiar fear of mice, of any sort. I though I saw some under her house while putting stuff away after the painting. I informed her of this - the look on her face was priceless. According to her words, she isn't afraid of anything, other than mice. I'm not suprised, either. She's that kind of person.

If people ever see this blog, i might put something in about the Semester Break. Until then....

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Greetings from Boredomland!

First post; maybe this Blog will actually go somewhere, maybe it will not...

So- a StroG is born. Strog you say? "Isn't that a wierd machine alien dude in a computer game" you insist?

Well, no- though I did kinda realise that afterwards. This is a Stream of consciousness Blog. That is, I post random stuff I think about, when I feel like it. Which might be repeatedly over the course of one day, or never. Depends how I feel; something I know changes all the time.

Prepare to enter a world of incredible boringness- conjoined to a highly sporadic and erratic mind; with a little hint of self-loathing and juvinile humour to spice up the mix.